Pedagogy Potlucks

Pedagogy Potlucks are forums hosted by the Professional Development Committee where instructors at any level of teaching gather to share an assignment, assessment, or particularly effective lecture/presentation component that blends study of antiquity and modern media. Presenters share the work and comment on how it was successful in fostering student engagement (1-2 slides, approximately 5 minutes), followed by discussion and questions from all participants. Look for invitations to participate in Pedagogy Potlucks in the call for papers for the annual conference, in the AIMS newsletter, and here on the AIMS website.

Our next pedagogy potluck with be held as part of the 2024 AIMS conference! For more information, check out our conference page here.

For more information about each of our Pedagogy Potlucks, have a look at our announcements for each event:

If you are interested in learning more or participating in a future Pedagogy Potluck, contact the head of the Pedagogy & Professional Development committee at